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10 Self-Care Practises That Improve Your Well-being

lifestyle live your thriving life mindset Sep 15, 2022
Women feeling happy and relaxed

Self-care has recently become popular, as women realise the importance of mental well-being. Several aspects of self-care to an outsider may seem like trivial or superficial routines. But many women specifically have personal stories of how incorporating self-care practices into their routine has boosted their confidence. 

I think one of the many misconceptions about self-care is that it needs to be an elaborate monthly plan that only hits the surface of taking care of oneself. But this is just not the case. 

Taking care of yourself could be as simple as reading, painting, or having a glass of wine after a long day, anything that helps you relax. But you would be surprised by the number of women who do not even make time for themselves, making others a priority over themselves. 

While taking care of your loved ones is an important priority, your well-being is just as important, if not more, as taking good care of yourself prevents burnout and ensures that you have enough energy to take care of others around you.

To take good care, love, and accept all parts of you as you evolve into your ideal self, you need to unlearn behaviours and thought processes that no longer serve the new you. This isn’t an easy process, but it is possible. 

Here you will find 10 ways to love and take good care of yourself and improve your general well-being. The practices listed here are simple and may add extra structure to your life, depending on how you incorporate them.  

1. Journaling 

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to journal every single day. You can journal whenever you feel the need to purge your thoughts or when something significant happens that you want to remember. 

The important thing is to be consistent with it. Don’t force yourself to journal if you really don’t want to—it should be something that brings you joy, not stress. 

Would you like some help kickstarting your journalling journey? Living Your Best Life aims to take you on a self-discovery journey and develop your journalling habit. Living Your Best Life Journal Planner Series will be available in October. Do subscribe to my newsletter for updates. 

2. Social media detox 

Unplugging from technology can help reduce stress and anxiety. This makes sense as I am sure many of you have stories of mindlessly scrolling for hours on social media. And sometimes the information we’re absorbing isn’t positive, which can negatively affect our mental wellbeing. 

You do not have to go weeks at a time off social media. Just allow yourself some time each day to disconnect from your devices, clear your mind and do something that brings you joy.  

3. Taking trips 

Even if they’re just day trips – can do wonders for your mental health. Fresh air and new surroundings can help to clear your mind and give you a new perspective. 

You do not have to spend loads of money on flights and hotels to expensive destinations. Sometimes, checking and exploring a local town can be rewarding. You can do this alone or with a loved one. 

4. Affirmations 

It is not surprising that affirmations as a self-love practice have made it onto this list. Research shows that saying affirmations to yourself every day improves your mental capabilities and your diet, and it decreases stress. 

Try repeating some positive statements to yourself each day, such as “I am worthy of love and respect” or “I am beautiful just the way I am.”  You can also write these down in your journal as many times as you want or put up prints around your home. 

5. Spending time with loved ones  

This can help reduce stress and promote positive emotions. Whether you stay in touch via text, social media, or in person, quality time with those you care about is crucial for a healthy mind and body. 

Human beings are naturally drawn to communities, so surround yourself with people who love and support you. This doesn’t have to be a large group, but a supportive network of like-minded people that you can do activities with that you all enjoy.  

6. Meditating 

If you are prone to being absent-minded or overwhelmed, then this is a highly beneficial practice for you. Meditating consistently helps to ease anxiety and stress by grounding your thoughts and generally helping you feel calmer. 

For example,  making sure that I meditate for 15 minutes after a long day of work has helped me avoid burnout and be ready with a fresh mind for the following day. 

Try a simple breathing exercise: sit comfortably with your eyes closed and focus on your breathing. You can do this for 5 minutes each day, and as you get more comfortable with this practice, increase it to 10 mins as you advance your meditating skills. 

7. Asking for help

This is a form of self-care. This is because you accept and embrace your limitations and are willing to reach out for help where you feel someone else can do better. This is a strength, not a weakness.  

If you have children, then don’t be afraid to ask family members for babysitting help sometimes. Then take that opportunity to decompress. Or if you need help with sorting out documents, then ask for professional advice. There is always a solution out there. 

On the other hand, If you’re struggling with destructive behaviours, don’t be afraid to reach out for help from a friend, family member, therapist, or other professional. 

8. Sleep 

Get enough sleep. Most people need around eight hours of sleep per day. If you struggle with this sleep, then brush up on your sleeping hygiene. Such as not having caffeine 4-6 hours before bed, using comfortable bedding and blocking out distracting noises. 

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day to help regulate your body’s natural sleep rhythm. You can make this more enjoyable for you by creating a pre-sleep ritual every day to get your body ready for rest. Such as doing a nighttime skincare routine.  

9. Care for your inner child 

Sadly, many of us have unresolved hurts from our childhood that can lead to self-destructive behaviours in adulthood. Other than speaking to friends, family and professionals, you can do things in your own time to heal these wounds. 

Indulging in activities that your younger self enjoyed is a great place to start. You can also do something that makes you happy, such as listening to music, spending time in nature, or playing with a pet. 

Just remember to be nice to yourself, the same way your inner child would want to be treated. 

1o. Practice gratitude 

Life can be messy and chaotic, so understandably, practising gratitude is not the easiest thing to do. But this had to make it to this list because it can improve your well-being. 

Focusing on the positive things in your life can help shift your focus away from negative self-talk and negative thoughts and even encourage you to be in more supportive environments that do not disturb your inner peace. 

One way you can practice gratitude is by making it a habit to list a few things you’re grateful for each day.

As we conclude this list of helpful self-love practices that you can incorporate into your routine to improve your well-being, it is important to note that the journey to self-care is not all love and light. This process requires work.

It is not easy to prioritise self-care when you are the rock of someone else’s life. However, it is imperative for your well-being to do things that help you manage your inner self. You are an important being and the main character of your life, so why not treat yourself as such? 

Self-care is important for a happy and fulfilling life. By incorporating these simple tips into your daily routine, you can start to improve your well-being today.

May you enjoy a great day.

With love,

The content of this website is not meant to substitute any advice provided by medical professionals. If you suspect that you're facing mental-health related problems, you're strongly encouraged to seek professional help.



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