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my name is Genny Chia.

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How to Discover Your True Style

colour confidence building elevate your style how to look stylish lifestyle wardrobe management Aug 04, 2023
Layflat stylish clothes

In the vast realm of fashion and trends, personal style stands as a beacon of authenticity, reflecting who we are and what we represent to the world. From the clothes we wear to the accessories we adorn, our style serves as a powerful form of self-expression, transcending mere fashion choices to become an emblem of our unique individuality.

Personal style extends beyond a mere aesthetic; it delves into the depths of our identity, shaping how we perceive ourselves and others. It is a canvas upon which we paint our aspirations, passions, and values, weaving together a tapestry that narrates the story of our true selves.

The journey to discovering your true style matters, as it offers an opportunity to unveil the most authentic version of yourself. Far too often, societal pressures and fleeting trends can overshadow our strengths leading us away from our true sartorial preferences. However, by taking the time to delve into our inner selves, we can unlock the door to a transformative and empowering experience.

Discovering your true style is not about adhering to rigid rules or imitating the latest fashion icons. Instead, it is a process of introspection, a journey towards self-discovery, and an exploration of the visual language that resonates with our innermost essence. By identifying the elements that genuinely appeal to us, we curate a wardrobe that reflects our genuine taste and harmonises with our lifestyle and aspirations.

Throughout this blog post, we will delve into the art of style discovery, unveiling practical steps and valuable insights that will guide you towards embracing your unique identity. As you embark on this enriching voyage of self-expression, prepare to unlock a world of confidence, creativity, and authenticity through the gateway of your true style.

Our personal style reflects who we are, an intricate interplay between our identity and how we choose to present ourselves to the world. Each of us possesses a unique tapestry of interests, values, and aspirations, and our fashion choices offer an artistic canvas through which we can express our true selves. To embark on the journey of discovering your true style, follow these essential steps:

Understanding the Relationship Between Style and Identity

Style and identity are intrinsically connected; our clothing and accessories visually represent who we are. Take some time to consider what makes you YOU. Consider your passions, your experiences, and the core aspects of your personality that define you. These will serve as the foundation for the style that genuinely resonates with your authentic self.

Explore different fashion styles and aesthetics that appeal to you. Observe how certain outfits or looks evoke emotions and align with your inner identity. Understanding this intimate relationship between style and identity will set you on the path to curating a wardrobe that speaks volumes about the person you truly are.

Analysing Your Daily Activities and Routines

Our daily activities and routines play a significant role in determining our style needs. Think about the different settings you find yourself in each day, from professional environments to leisurely activities and social gatherings. Your clothing should be functional, complementing the various roles you play throughout your day.

Consider the practical aspects of your daily routine and the clothing that best suits each activity. Whether you need professional attire for a demanding job or casual wear for your weekend adventures, ensure that your wardrobe accommodates your lifestyle while expressing your unique sense of style.

Identifying Your Personality Traits and Values

True style springs from within, intertwining with our personality traits and core values. Engage in self-reflection to identify the unique facets that compose your personality. Are you an adventurous risk-taker, drawn to bold and eclectic fashion choices that reflect your daring spirit? Or do you prefer a more minimalistic and refined approach, resonating with timeless elegance and simplicity?

By embracing and celebrating your individuality, you can align your style with your values, forging a harmonious relationship between your inner self and outward appearance. Embracing sustainable and ethical fashion choices may also come naturally when your style journey aligns with your commitment to making responsible choices that benefit the environment and society.

Considering Your Long-Term Goals and Aspirations

As we embark on the path of self-discovery through style, let's not lose sight of our long-term goals and aspirations. Fashion is an ever-evolving expression of ourselves, adapting to the changes and growth we experience throughout life. Consider the person you aim to become and the dreams you wish to manifest. What are the actions you need to take to bring you there? Does your current style align with those aspirations, or is there room for growth and evolution?

Fashion should not be confined to the present; it should be a reflection of your ongoing journey of personal growth and transformation. Allow your style to adapt, embrace new looks, experiment with different aesthetics, and create a wardrobe that mirrors the person you envision becoming.
Exploring Fashion and Style Inspirations

You may be wondering how to ignite your fashion journey and explore the captivating world of style that celebrates your unique self. Fashion is not merely a means of dressing; it's an art form that allows you to express your innermost desires, passions, and personality. The beauty of fashion lies in its ability to empower you to be the canvas and the artist, creating a masterpiece that tells the story of who you are. So, how can you embark on this transformative journey of fashion exploration and discover style inspirations that resonate with your soul?

Creating a Mood Board for Visual Inspiration

Begin your fashion exploration by creating a captivating mood board that sparks your imagination. This visual collage serves as a canvas to gather images, colours, fabrics, and patterns that captivate your senses. You can create a physical mood board with magazine cut-outs and fabric swatches or a digital one using online platforms like Pinterest.

As you curate your mood board, pay attention to the recurring themes and styles that evoke emotions within you. Notice the colours that resonate, the silhouettes that catch your eye, and the overall mood that captivates your imagination. This mood board will serve as your creative compass, guiding your style choices towards a cohesive and authentic fashion expression.

Following Fashion Influencers and Style Icons

In the digital age, fashion influencers and style icons offer a wealth of inspiration at your fingertips. Follow influencers and personalities whose style resonates with your tastes and values. Observe how they curate outfits, mix and match different pieces, and exude confidence in their fashion choices.

While influencers can provide valuable inspiration, remember that your style should be an extension of yourself. Use their looks as a starting point to experiment with your wardrobe, embracing elements that align with your personality and lifestyle.

Identifying the Elements that Resonate with You

As you explore diverse fashion inspirations, take note of the elements that genuinely speak to you. It could be a specific colour palette that brings joy, a particular fabric or texture that appeals to your senses, or a signature outfit style that reflects your personality.

Analyse the clothing pieces you already own and love. Understanding why these items resonate with you will unveil essential clues about your style preferences and the elements that make you feel most confident and authentic.

Conducting a Wardrobe Audit and Detox

After exploring your style journey and getting enlightened by the various sources of inspiration, you may find that your personal tastes and fashion preferences are taking shape, leading you to discover your unique style identity. However, to fully embrace and achieve the great style you desire, it's essential to declutter your wardrobe and belongings. Clearing out the clutter from your wardrobe and belongings is a transformative process that sets the stage for achieving your great style.

By decluttering, identifying pieces that no longer align with your style, and organising your wardrobe with better clarity, you create a space that reflects your authentic self and showcases your unique fashion expression. Letting go of pieces that no longer align with your evolving style and organising your wardrobe will pave the way for better clarity and a seamless fashion expression.

Decluttering Your Wardrobe and Belongings

Decluttering is not merely a physical act. It's a cathartic experience that creates space for new beginnings. Begin the decluttering process by sorting through your wardrobe and belongings with a discerning eye. Consider each item, and ask yourself whether it sparks joy, aligns with your evolving style, and serves a practical purpose in your life.

Let go of items that no longer resonate with you or hold sentimental value, but are not worn or used. Items that have been sitting in the back of your closet untouched for years can find new life with someone else or be donated to charity. By decluttering, you create space for pieces that truly enhance your style and bring joy to your daily life.

Identifying Pieces That No Longer Align with Your Style

As you explore your style inspirations, you may find that certain pieces in your wardrobe no longer reflect the person you are becoming. Be honest with yourself and identify items that don't align with your evolving style or the image you want to project.

Pieces that are ill-fitting or don't complement your colour palette, personal style and body shape can be candidates for removal. Consider if you feel confident and comfortable in each item. If not, it's time to bid them farewell and make room for pieces that resonate with your authentic self.

Organising and Streamlining Your Wardrobe for Better Clarity

Organising your wardrobe is the final step to achieving great style with clarity. Arrange your curated pieces in a way that makes getting dressed a seamless and enjoyable experience. Consider organising by clothing type (e.g., tops, bottoms, dresses) for easy access, and it makes getting dressed easy every day when all items are sorted.

Invest in functional storage solutions such as hangers, shelves, and drawer organisers to maintain order and keep your clothing organised. By streamlining your wardrobe, you'll have a clear view of the pieces you love, making it easier to mix and match and create stylish outfits effortlessly.

Would you like to learn to audit and maintain your wardrobe? I have written a blog post on "How to Conduct a Wardrobe Audit and Maintain Your Wardrobe". Click here to read it.

Tips to Elevate Your Style with Harmonious Hues

Colours play a pivotal role in shaping our style and expressing our individuality. Colours have an enchanting ability to transform the way we look and feel. The right colour palette can elevate our style, boost our confidence, and enhance our overall appearance. From expressing our personalities to impacting our moods, colours play a significant role in the art of self-expression.

Just like a painter selects their palette to craft a masterpiece, defining your colour palette is an artful process that can transform how you present yourself to the world. Let's explore the significance of discovering colours that complement your skin tone, the allure of choosing signature colours for your wardrobe, and the profound psychological impact of colours on your mood.

Discovering Colours That Complement Your Skin Tone

The right colour choices can make a difference in how we look and feel in our outfits. Understanding your skin tone is essential in selecting colours that enhance natural beauty and create a harmonious balance between your complexion and clothing.

For warm-toned individuals, colours like earthy browns, warm oranges, rich reds, and golden yellows can work wonders in highlighting their glow. On the other hand, those with cool-toned skin may find shades like soft pastels, cool blues, serene greens, and delicate pinks complement their complexion beautifully.

Experimenting with different colours against your skin can help you identify the hues that truly make you shine. By defining a colour palette that complements your skin tone, you ensure that each outfit you wear becomes a masterpiece that accentuates your unique features.

Choosing a Signature Colour Palette

While having a diverse range of colours in your wardrobe is essential, selecting your signature colour palette can be a game-changer in curating a cohesive and iconic style. Signature colours represent your personal taste and create a strong visual identity that is distinctly yours.

A signature colour palette can become your sartorial calling card, evoking a sense of familiarity and cohesiveness in your fashion choices. These chosen hues, when thoughtfully incorporated into your clothing and accessories, become an extension of your personality and style identity.

Your signature colour might be one that resonates deeply with your emotions, a colour that sparks joy and ignites confidence whenever you wear it. Alternatively, you might opt for a more versatile neutral tone that effortlessly complements a range of ensembles, acting as a foundation for your style journey.

Understanding the Psychological Impact of Colours on Your Mood

Colours possess a remarkable ability to influence our emotions and evoke specific moods. Understanding the psychological impact of colours allows you to curate a wardrobe that enhances your physical appearance and nourishes your spirit.

For instance, vibrant and bright colours like yellow and orange can bring energy and happiness into your day. On the other hand, calming shades such as soft blues and pastel pinks can evoke feelings of serenity and tranquillity.

The beauty of defining your colour palette lies in harnessing these emotional connections to create intentional outfits that reflect your state of mind and amplify your confidence.

Defining your colour palette is an essential journey that elevates your fashion experience from mere clothing choices to a symphony of hues that celebrate your essence. By discovering colours that complement your skin tone, choosing signature colours for your wardrobe, and understanding the psychological impact of colours on your mood, you unlock the magic of harmonious hues.

Would you like to learn more about wearing your essence colours? I have written the following blog posts to teach you how to achieve colour harmony and wear colours to support your style and well-being. Click on the below titles to learn more:

How to Look Beautiful Dressing Up in Your Essence Colour

How to Look Stylish Wearing Colours

7 Colours to Wear When Feeling Stressed or Anxious


Celebrating the Beauty of Your Unique Figure

Every day, we're bombarded with societal standards and unrealistic body ideals on various media platforms. The journey towards body acceptance and self-love is a powerful and liberating one. Embracing your body shape goes beyond mere fashion choices; it is an empowering act of self-affirmation that allows you to step into your authentic self with confidence.

Embracing your body shape is an empowering act that transcends fashion and enters the realm of self-affirmation and self-love. Learning to dress for your body type, understanding which silhouettes flatter your figure, and embracing your body as it allows you to craft a personal style that radiates confidence, authenticity, and joy.

Learning to Dress for Your Body Type

Each one of us is born with a beautifully unique body shape, and the key to dressing impeccably lies in understanding and celebrating this individuality. The first step towards embracing your body shape is to let go of comparison and unrealistic expectations. Instead, focus on discovering styles that complement your specific proportions and emphasise your best features.

Explore various fashion guides that cater to different body types—whether you have an hourglass figure, a pear shape, an athletic build, or any other silhouette. Understanding your body's unique attributes empowers you to make fashion choices that accentuate your natural beauty and exude confidence.

Understanding Which Silhouettes and Cuts Flatter Your Figure

Fashion offers a vast array of silhouettes and cuts designed to flatter diverse body shapes. Experimenting with different styles allows you to discover which ones make you feel comfortable and elegant. For example, A-line dresses might highlight your waistline, while high-waisted trousers might elongate your legs and create an alluring silhouette.

Embrace the art of mixing and matching various pieces to create ensembles that speak to your personal style and make you feel your best. It's all about finding that perfect balance between fashion trends and the shapes that celebrate your unique curves and lines.

Embracing and Loving Your Body as It Is

Above all else, the importance of embracing and loving your body as it is cannot be overstated. Each curve, line, and feature contributes to the mosaic of your individuality. Instead of focusing on perceived flaws, shift your perspective towards celebrating your body for its strength, resilience, and ability to carry you through life's adventures.

Self-love is a transformative force that radiates from within, illuminating your presence and affecting how you perceive yourself and how others see you. Embrace the journey of body acceptance by surrounding yourself with positive influences, engaging in uplifting self-talk, and celebrating the beauty of diversity in all its forms.

Where societal pressures can often overshadow our self-worth, remember that your body is a testament to your unique story and experiences. Master the art of dressing to complement your proportions, curating outfits that make you feel remarkable and empowered. But above all, let the journey towards body acceptance and self-love be a guiding light that illuminates your path to a fulfilling and contented life. Celebrate the beauty of your body, for it is an exquisite masterpiece that deserves to be cherished and celebrated every step of the way.

Would you like to learn more about dressing your body shape? Read my blog posts "The Dos and Don'ts of Dressing Your Body Shape" and "How to Dress Your Unique Body Shape".

The Importance of Experimenting with Different Styles & Master the Art of Self-Discovery

In the fascinating world of fashion, experimenting with different styles is akin to embarking on a thrilling voyage of self-discovery. While it's natural to find comfort in the familiarity of our signature looks, the true magic of fashion lies in the art of exploring the unknown and embracing the endless possibilities that style has to offer. In this blog post, we celebrate the importance of trying out new looks and outfits, stepping out of our comfort zones, and understanding that experimentation is an essential part of the fashion journey.

Experimenting with different styles is a celebration of self-expression and self-discovery. As we try out new looks and outfits, step out of our comfort zones, and embrace experimentation as an essential part of the fashion journey, we unleash the magic of fashion to shape and reflect our true identities.

Trying Out New Looks and Outfits

Fashion is a boundless universe of creativity, offering an array of styles, trends, and aesthetics waiting to be explored. Trying out new looks and outfits is an opportunity to tap into the depths of our imagination, express different aspects of our personalities, and showcase our ever-evolving identities.

By venturing beyond our fashion comfort zone, we open ourselves to thrilling sartorial adventures. A bohemian-inspired maxi dress makes us feel like a free spirit or a tailored pantsuit empowers us to exude confidence and authority. Every outfit we try becomes an opportunity to tell a unique story about ourselves and to welcome the magic of transformation.

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

The most extraordinary growth occurs when we step beyond the boundaries of our comfort zones, and this applies profoundly to the realm of fashion. While it's natural to gravitate towards what we know and feel secure in, pushing ourselves to experiment with new styles expands our horizons and reveals new dimensions of our personalities.

Stepping out of our comfort zones helps us break free from self-imposed limitations and societal expectations. It fosters a sense of fearlessness and authenticity as we redefine our style on our terms. Each fashion risk we take becomes a testament to our bravery and willingness to embrace change, inspiring us to embrace growth and evolution in all aspects of life.

Understanding That Experimentation Is Part of the Process

Fashion, like life itself, is a journey of continuous growth and transformation. The beauty of the fashion process lies in the art of experimentation. As we explore different styles, we evolve and redefine ourselves, just as an artist refines their masterpiece with each stroke of the brush.

It's essential to understand that not every fashion experiment will result in an outfit that perfectly aligns with our vision. And that's perfectly fine! Fashion is subjective and deeply personal, and every attempt contributes to our knowledge of what resonates with us.

Embracing experimentation as an integral part of the fashion journey allows us to let go of the fear of failure and embrace the joy of self-expression. It's through this process that we discover our true style, uncovering what genuinely makes us feel confident, beautiful, and authentically ourselves.

I have written "How to Dress Your Personality Style" and "Celebrating You: Dressing for Your Unique Self" to teach you how to dress your style persona and for different occasions.

The Power of Self-Expression Through Style

Finding confidence in your style is a journey that weaves together self-discovery, empowerment, and unapologetic self-expression through a journey of self-empowerment and self-expression, where each step brings you closer to your true essence. As you understand that style evolves over time, build self-assurance in your fashion choices, and celebrate your uniqueness and individuality, you emerge as a radiant force, shaping your style with authenticity and grace. Let's review the three essential pillars that shape this transformative experience.

Understanding That Style Evolves Over Time

Embracing the fluidity of style is a critical foundation for cultivating confidence. Just as we grow and evolve as individuals, our style transforms over time. Rather than adhering to rigid definitions of fashion, we find freedom in allowing our preferences to change and adapt as we navigate life's many chapters.

We relinquish the pressure to conform to fixed fashion norms as we embrace this evolution. Instead, we cherish the joy of experimenting, reinventing, and uncovering the authentic versions of ourselves through the language of clothing.

Building Self-Assurance in Your Fashion Choices

The art of building self-assurance in fashion is a liberating experience that transcends trends and societal expectations. It involves finding the courage to trust our instincts, choosing garments that resonate with our spirits, and wearing them with unwavering confidence.

When we embrace our choices unapologetically, we unleash the true power of self-assurance. It becomes a beacon that radiates from within, elevating our style and leaving a lasting impression on the world around us.

Celebrating Your Uniqueness and Individuality

The most beautiful aspect of style is the celebration of your own uniqueness. You are a masterpiece of individuality, and your style serves as the canvas on which your inner beauty shines. Rather than seeking validation from others, let your style be a testament to your unwavering self-confidence and self-love. Embrace your body shape, your personality, and the very best of you, and let your fashion choices reflect the beautiful person you are inside.

As we conclude this journey of finding confidence in your true style, remember that fashion is a dynamic and empowering form of self-expression. Embrace change, embrace your choices, and most importantly, embrace yourself. Your style journey is a testament to the evolution of your identity, an ode to the strength of self-assurance, and a celebration of the unique masterpiece that is you. So, step into the world with confidence and grace, for the most remarkable trend you can set is the bold embrace of your true and authentic self.

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With love,

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